Our Learning Centers
Art and Music Centers
Our Art and Music Centers are carefully designed to allow children to have full access to a variety of materials encouraging them to freely explore and experiment.
Sensory Centers
Sensory activities promote exploration and naturally encourage children to use scientific processes while they play, create, investigate and explore.
Our sensory tables (sand, water and play-dough) are open daily and thoughtfully set up each day for children to experience.
Block Corner
Our block center is fully stocked with unit blocks, large hollow blocks and multiple accessories to foster and extend creative play. As children observe, manipulate and build they are developing problem solving skills, large and fine motor skills, self expression and self esteem.
Dramatic Play
Dramatic play is an integral part of the developmental learning process., Our dramatic play centers include a toy kitchen, a multilevel indoor climber, and a variety of props, costumes and accessories.
Science Center
The Science center is equipped with a variety of natural collections and tools so children can freely explore many aspects of our natural world. Artifacts are often added to expand upon a current unit or theme.
Book Corner
Our Book Corner is one of our quiet areas. Children will find bookshelves, beanbag chair, rocking chair and a child sized couch. Children are encouraged to enjoy a book independently or with a friend.
Art Corner
A blackboard, art table, paper, markers and chalk are available daily.
Dramatic Play
Our playhouse housesย a fully equipped toy kitchen and outdoor picnic area. Theย ย outdoor stage provides a natural backdrop and has baskets of costumes and puppets to spark imaginative play.
Sensory Areas
Messy play is an integral part of early childhood development. Our messy materials area includes an enclosed sand box, aย water table,ย a gardening center andย the tools and materials necessary for expansive play
Building Zone
Our outdoor building area includes blocks, logs, ramps and balls in a variety of sizes for the children to work with. We encourage children to challenge their skills and be inventive in their building.
Music Center
A drum, glockenspiel, wind chimes, bells scarves and ribbons are available each day for children to enjoy
Field Trips
Ride a bus to a special place in our surrounding community.